Friday, April 25, 2008

Figure Skater: Naomi Nari Nam

Naomi Nari Nam was one of my favorite skaters way back 1999.

Naomi won the 1997 U.S. Novice National Championship. At the age of 13, She joined the United States Figure Skating Championship last 1999 and placed second behind Michelle Kwan (but Naomi had a better performance than Michelle during that time). During the peak of her career, she had a very serious hip injury that she had to stop skating for a couple of years. In 2003, after having a hip surgery, she joined a few competitions but failed to qualify for the 2004 U.S. Nationals.

Last 2005 was the start of her new career and start pair skating with Leftheris. They won the Regional and Pacific Coast Sectional and placed 5th at the 2006 United States Figure Skating Championship. The next season, Nam and Leftheris placed 3rd at the 2006 Skate America and 2007 US Championships.

Below is the video of the 1999 United States Figure Skating Championship where she placed 2nd.